Instructions to add your own character's information to the roster:
- Download the add-on Character Profiler
- Extract the zipfile into your game directory. When extracted correctly you should see a directory ...\Interface\AddOns\CharacterProfiler in your game installpoint.
- Login to WoW.
- On the character selection screen, click on the button "Addons" in the bottom-left corner and check if the CharacterProfiler installed correctly. You may need to enable it if your version is outdated.
- Select a character and enter the game.
- Once in the game open your bags, character, spellbook, bank and so on. These should now be scanned by the add-on.
- Check the scanning by typing: /cp show This will give you an overview of the items scanned so far and will tell you which ones still have to be checked.
- Save the scanned information by typing: /cp export or by opening your character stats ("c") and clicking the "Save" tab-button.
- Leave the game (or Alt-tab to Windows).
- Go to the roster page: and select "Update Profile"
- Browse to: gamedirectory\WTF\Account\accountname\SavedVariables and select and upload the file "CharacterProfiler.lua"
- You should now be able to see your scanned information on the roster pages.
Code: Select all
You can even use this signature if you have not uploaded any profile. It will look slightly different then and only hold your class and level.