I'm getting asked quite frequently "what <item> is good for tanking?" so I thought I'd share what info I grabbed from forums and where I got it. I dont necessarily agree with all of it and the equipment is PRE - MC. (ZG and AQ20 are included though)
First port of calls is the official forums, this article
From Valor to Wrath gives some genaral tanking tips and info
As an equipment guide ans source of ideas you cant do much better than Forumtrolls Pre-MC tanking gear guide
and dont forget the advanced search features of thotbott etc.
I've combined some of it below - items are in no particular order of preference (and I dont necessarily agree with some of them). I've also put links to thotbott where the usual item markers appear to be failing. Soooo make up your own mind what is "best"
Oh - note [item]Quel'Serrar[/item] isn't in the list as its obvious and also not pre MC!
[item]Enchanted Thorium Helm [/item] (Crafted)
[item]Helm of Awareness[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Gyth's Skull[/item] (Upper Blackrock Spire)
[item]Helm of Heroism[/item] (Quest)
[item]Golem Skull Helm[/item] (Blackrock Depths)
[item]Helm of Domination[/item] (Ossirian the Unscarred)
[item]Medallion of Grand Marshal Morris [/item] (World drop)
[item]Evil Eye Pendant [/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Amulet of the Darkmoon[/item] (Quest)
[item]Verek's Collar[/item] (Blackrock Depths)
[item]Master Sergeant's Insignia [/item] (PvP Rank 4)
[item]Talisman of Protection [/item] (High Priestess Mar'li)
[item]Rage of Mugamba [/item] (Zandalar Tribe)
[item]Pendant of the Shifting Sands[/item] (Quest)
[item]Stockade Pauldrons[/item] (World Drop)
[item]Bulky Iron Spaulders[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Bile-etched Spaulders [/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Stoneform Shoulders[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Spaulders of Heroism[/item] (Quest)
[item]Spaulders of Valor[/item] (Blackrock Spire)
[item]Slamshot Shoulders[/item] (Blackrock Spire)
[item]Bloodsoaked Pauldrons[/item] (Bloodlord Mandokir)
[item]Darksoul Shoulders[/item] (Crafted)
[item]Redoubt Cloak[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Cloak of Warding[/item] (Crafted)
[item]Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape[/item] (Stratholme)
[item]Sergeant's Cape[/item] (PvP Rank 3)
[item]Overlord's Embrace[/item] (Jin'do the Hexxer)
[item]Sandstorm Cloak[/item] (Ossirian the Unscarred)
[item]Deathbone Chestplate[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Enchanted Thorium Breastplate[/item] (Crafted)
[item]Ornate Adamantium Breastplate[/item] (Quest)
[item]Breastplate of the Chromatic Flight[/item] (Quest)
[item]Kromcrush's Chestplate[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Breastplate of Heroism[/item] (Quest)
[item]Demon Forged Breastplate[/item] (Crafted)
[item]Zandalar Vindicator's Breastplate[/item] (Zandalar Tribe)
[item]Darksoul Breastplate[/item] (Crafted)
[item]Deathbone Girdle[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Belt of Heroism[/item] (Quest)
[item]Stalwart Clutch[/item] (Quest)
[item]Brigam Girdle[/item] (Blackrock Spire)
[item]Handcrafted Mastersmith Girdle[/item] (Blackrock Spire)
[item]Zandalar Vindicator's Belt[/item] (Zandalar Tribe)
[item]Belt of the Sand Reaver[/item] (Kurinnaxx)
[item]Bracers of Heroism[/item] (Quest)
[item]Fel Hardened Bracers[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Vigorsteel Vambraces[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Sergeant Major's Plate Wristguards[/item] (PvP Rank 5)
[item]Zandalar Vindicator's Armguards[/item] (Zandalar Tribe)
[item]Stonegrip Gauntlets[/item] (World drop)
[item]Deathbone Gauntlets[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Boneclenched Gauntlets[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Force Imbued Gauntlets[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Gauntlets of Heroism[/item] (Quest)
[item]Bloodsoaked Gauntlets[/item] (Jin'do the Hexxer)
[item]Gauntlets of the Immovable[/item] (Moam/Ayamiss the Hunter)
[item]Legplates of Viligance[/item] http://www.thottbot.com/?i=53320(Summoned Boss from tier .5 quests)
[item]Deathbone Legguards[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Wraithplate Leggings[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Cenarion Reservist's Legplates[/item] (Quest)
[item]Legplates of Heroism[/item] (Quest)
[item]Warmaster Legguards[/item] (Blackrock Spire)
[item]Legplates of the Eternal Guardian[/item] (Blackrock Depths)
[item]Enchanted Thorium Leggings[/item] (Crafted)
[item]Bloodsoaked Legplates[/item] (Hakkar)
[item]Darksoul Leggings[/item] (Crafted)
[item]Deathbone Sabatons[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Crystal Encrusted Greaves[/item] (Quest)
[item]Shalehusk Boots[/item] (Blackrock Depths)
[item]Corpselight Greaves[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Ribsteel Footguards[/item] (Blackrock Spire)
[item]Boots of Heroism[/item] (Quest)
[item]Master Cannoneer Boots[/item] (Stratholme)
[item]Grimy Metal Boots[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Bloodsoaked Greaves[/item] (High Priestess Arlokk)
[item]Band of the Steadfast Hero[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Drakeclaw Band of Stamina[/item]http://www.thottbot.com/?i=17582 (Sunken Temple)
[item]Band of Resolution[/item] (Quest)
[item]Drakeclaw Band of the Bear[/item] http://www.thottbot.com/?i=13002(Sunken Temple)
[item]Naglering[/item] (Blackrock Depths)
[item]Drakeclaw Band of Eluding[/item] http://www.thottbot.com/?i=23681(Sunken Temple)
[item]Myrmidon's Signet[/item] (World Drop)
[item]Band of Flesh[/item] (Stratholme)
[item]Hardened Stone Band[/item] (Avalanchion - Azshara)
[item]Band of the Ogre King[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Ring of Protection[/item] (Quest)
[item]Overlord's Crimson Band[/item] (Bloodlord Mandokir)
[item]Overlord's Onyx Band[/item] (High Priestess Arlokk)
[item]Scarlet Kris[/item] (World Drop)
[item]Lord Blackwood's Blade[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Timeworn Mace[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Hammer of the Vesper[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Hedgecutter[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Bone Slicing Hatchet[/item] (Stratholme)
[item]Ironfoe[/item] (Blackrock Depths)
[item]Mirah's Song[/item] (Quest)
[item]Serathil[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Annihilator[/item] (Crafted)
[item]Silent Fang[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Bloodlord's Defender[/item] (Bloodlord Mandokir)
[item]Earthen Guard[/item] (Baron Kazum)
[item]Draconian Deflector[/item] (Blackrock Spire)
[item]The Immovable Object[/item] (Alterac Valley)
[item]Skullflame Shield[/item] (World Drop)
[item]Avalanchion's Stony Hide[/item] (Avalanchion - Azshara)
[item]Lord Blackwood's Buckler[/item] (Scholomance)
[item]Wall of the Dead[/item] (World Drop)
[item]Barrier Shield[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Aegis of the Blood God[/item] (Hakkar)
[item]Buru's Skull Fragment[/item] (Buru the Gorger)
[item]Outrunner's Bow[/item] (Warsong Gulch)
[item]Gorewood Bow[/item] (Quest)
[item]Carapace Spine Crossbow[/item] (Stratholme)
[item]Mandokir's Sting[/item] (Bloodlord Mandokir)
[item]Silithid Husked Launcher[/item] (Trash)
[item]Fahrad's Reloading Repeater[/item] (Quest)
[item]Force of Will[/item] (Blackrock Depths)
[item]Stormpike Insignia Rank 6[/item] (Alterac Valley)
[item]Vigilance Charm[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Counterattack Lodestone[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Glimmering Mithril Insignia[/item] (Crafted BoP)
[item]Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas[/item] (Dire Maul)
[item]Gri'lek's Charm of Might[/item] (Zandalar Tribe)
[item]Fetish of Chitinous Spikes[/item] (Buru the Gorger)
Librams - Leg or Head
Libram of Constitution http://www.thottbot.com/?i=14354 (World Drop)
Libram of Resilience http://www.thottbot.com/?i=4934 (World Drop)
Libram of Protection http://www.thottbot.com/?i=35790 (Dire Maul)
Libram of Tenacity http://www.thottbot.com/?i=4818 (World Drop)
Libram of Voracity http://www.thottbot.com/?i=6419 (World Drop)
Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn http://www.thottbot.com/?i=39950 (Argent Dawn)
Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=20015 (Enchanter)
Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=13882 (Enchanter)
Enchant Chest - Major Health http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=20026 (Enchanter)
Enchant Chest - Greater Stats http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=20025 (Enchanter)
Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=20011 (Enchanter)
Enchant Bracer - Deflection http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=13931 (Enchanter)
Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=20012 (Enchanter)
Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=20020 (Enchanter)
Enchant Boots - Greater Agility http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=20023 (Enchanter)
Enchant Weapon - Agility http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=23800 (Enchanter)
Enchant Weapon - Crusader http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=20034 (Enchanter)
Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=20017 (Enchanter)
Enchant Shield - Lesser Block http://www.thottbot.com/?sp=13689 (Enchanter)
Thorium Shield Spike http://www.thottbot.com/?i=7535 (Crafted)
OOPS : for got to mention this site as well
"What equipment should I get to tank" - a reply of
"What equipment should I get to tank" - a reply of
Last edited by Tedrisa on 09 Nov 2006, 11:22, edited 2 times in total.

For those who have not tanked in a big way before this might be of some use as well
Warrior Tanking : A Basic Guide
Warrior Tanking : A Basic Guide

Re: "What equipment should I get to tank" - a repl
Imo these itemes are way to hard to obtain to consider it Pre MC itemsTedrisa wrote: i wouldn't consider these items pre MC
[item]Helm of Domination[/item] (Ossirian the Unscarred)
[item]Pendant of the Shifting Sands[/item] (Quest)
[item]Overlord's Embrace[/item] (Jin'do the Hexxer)
[item]Sandstorm Cloak[/item] (Ossirian the Unscarred)
[item]Bloodsoaked Gauntlets[/item] (Jin'do the Hexxer)
[item]Gauntlets of the Immovable[/item] (Moam/Ayamiss the Hunter)
[item]Bloodsoaked Legplates[/item] (Hakkar)
[item]Bloodsoaked Greaves[/item] (High Priestess Arlokk)
[item]Overlord's Onyx Band[/item] (High Priestess Arlokk)
[item]Aegis of the Blood God[/item] (Hakkar)
[item]Buru's Skull Fragment[/item] (Buru the Gorger)
[item]Gri'lek's Charm of Might[/item] (Zandalar Tribe)
[item]Fetish of Chitinous Spikes[/item] (Buru the Gorger)
Priest item ;P
[item]Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas[/item] (Dire Maul)
Alliance stuff
[item]Stormpike Insignia Rank 6[/item] (Alterac Valley)
[item]Master Sergeant's Insignia [/item] (PvP Rank 4)
[item]Sergeant Major's Plate Wristguards[/item] (PvP Rank 5)
another good head/leg enchant is the ZG doll/idol enchant 10stamina/7defence/30block
and the ZG shoulder enchant +30AP
"You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred."
"Life is like a concentration camp... you can't leave without dying."
"Life is like a concentration camp... you can't leave without dying."
guess items like;
Master Sergeant's Insignia] (PvP Rank 4)
[Sergeant's Cape] (PvP Rank 3)
[Sergeant Major's Plate Wristguards] (PvP Rank 5)
[Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas] (Dire Maul)
is a bit hard to link as there is so many itens with the same name
Master Sergeant's Insignia] (PvP Rank 4)
[Sergeant's Cape] (PvP Rank 3)
[Sergeant Major's Plate Wristguards] (PvP Rank 5)
[Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas] (Dire Maul)
is a bit hard to link as there is so many itens with the same name
"You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred."
"Life is like a concentration camp... you can't leave without dying."
"Life is like a concentration camp... you can't leave without dying."
Re: "What equipment should I get to tank" - a repl
I agree, I did say that I'm colating others opinions and that I didnt agree with all of it, Jin'do is a bit hard for us atm but I thought Arlokk was on our "downed more than once" list. Hakkar is in our sights (Kill Billgot kill),Gamleerik wrote:Imo these itemes are way to hard to obtain to consider it Pre MC itemsTedrisa wrote: i wouldn't consider these items pre MC
[item]Helm of Domination[/item] (Ossirian the Unscarred)
[item]Pendant of the Shifting Sands[/item] (Quest)
[item]Overlord's Embrace[/item] (Jin'do the Hexxer)
[item]Sandstorm Cloak[/item] (Ossirian the Unscarred)
[item]Bloodsoaked Gauntlets[/item] (Jin'do the Hexxer)
[item]Gauntlets of the Immovable[/item] (Moam/Ayamiss the Hunter)
[item]Bloodsoaked Legplates[/item] (Hakkar)
[item]Bloodsoaked Greaves[/item] (High Priestess Arlokk)
[item]Overlord's Onyx Band[/item] (High Priestess Arlokk)
[item]Aegis of the Blood God[/item] (Hakkar)
[item]Buru's Skull Fragment[/item] (Buru the Gorger)
[item]Gri'lek's Charm of Might[/item] (Zandalar Tribe)
[item]Fetish of Chitinous Spikes[/item] (Buru the Gorger)
Thats thotbott buggering up and you know itPriest item ;P
[item]Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas[/item] (Dire Maul)

I'll take your word for it, again I didnt write this stuff, I just colated it and represented it for our websiteAlliance stuff
[item]Stormpike Insignia Rank 6[/item] (Alterac Valley)
[item]Master Sergeant's Insignia [/item] (PvP Rank 4)
[item]Sergeant Major's Plate Wristguards[/item] (PvP Rank 5)
and I never said it was completeEnchants
another good head/leg enchant is the ZG doll/idol enchant 10stamina/7defence/30block
and the ZG shoulder enchant +30AP

Tedrisa wrote:I agree, I did say that I'm colating others opinions and that I didnt agree with all of it, Jin'do is a bit hard for us atm but I thought Arlokk was on our "downed more than once" list. Hakkar is in our sights (Kill Billgot kill),

npTed wrote:Gam wrote:Enchants
another good head/leg enchant is the ZG doll/idol enchant 10stamina/7defence/30block
and the ZG shoulder enchant +30AP
and I never said it was complete

"You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred."
"Life is like a concentration camp... you can't leave without dying."
"Life is like a concentration camp... you can't leave without dying."
With WotLk now out I found that what I knew was sooo out of date
so I did some digging about tanking these days. I found this http://www.tankspot.com/forums/f97/3946 ... -list.html
Got a feeling it might prove useful

Got a feeling it might prove useful