How guildies should use this forum

Recruitment forum. If you're interested in joining Obsidian Circle, then sign up here.
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How guildies should use this forum

Post by Onyx »

I've seen mostly spam added to the recruitments that were posted here, so it's high time for some guidelines. When someone posts a recruitment form, mail only information that will help us decide whether or not the person applying should join.

Think about things like:

* you've been in parties/raids with the person so you can give informatoin about how he/she is as a person and how he/she plays the game
* you know this person in RL and can give information about him/her
* you've seen pictures posted of the person that show him/her to have behaved badly or ninja? Show us the evidence.

Do not:

* tell us that you think a person should join. If you provide the type of information I mentioned above the guild leaders can decide that for themselves.
* use these forums to cast "votes" on a certain player joining us or not.
* post negativisms about a person without offering any evidence.
* in general... don't post here unless you have something constructive to offer.

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Post by SKullcrasher »

totally agree onyx

/Moo , are u happy now? :D
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Post by Nacros »

I think it would be a good idea to add to this forum a list of which classes we actually need at the time and then edit it as and when the need changes.
Nacros 70, Psychester 70, Nightly 68, Cycs 35
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Post by Tedrisa »

We already have - it's here Enter your information using this form
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Post by Nacros »

Tedrisa wrote:We already have - it's here Enter your information using this form
opps :oops:

need to read better :twisted:
Nacros 70, Psychester 70, Nightly 68, Cycs 35
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